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Log Parser Lizard Serial 12: A Powerful and User-Friendly Log Parsing and Data Querying Software


Another thing that often happens is a UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark), which is allowed before the XML declaration can be treated as whitespace if the document is handed as a stream of characters to an XML parser rather than as a stream of bytes.

Log Parser Lizard Serial 12

Similarly, dirty buffer problems can leave residual junk ahead of the actual XML. If you've carefully checked your XML and are still getting this error, log the exact contents being passed to the parser; sometimes what's actually being (tried to be) parsed is surprising.

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;public class Myclassprivate static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Myclass.class);/** * Validate XML file against Schemas XSD in pathEsquema directory * @param pathEsquema directory that contains XSD Schemas to validate * @param pathFileXML XML file to validate * @throws BusinessException if it throws any Exception */public static void validarXML(String pathEsquema, String pathFileXML) throws BusinessExceptionString W3C_XML_SCHEMA = " ";String nameFileXSD = "file.xsd";String MY_SCHEMA1 = pathEsquema+nameFileXSD);ParserErrorHandler parserErrorHandler;trySchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(W3C_XML_SCHEMA);Source [] source = new StreamSource(new File(MY_SCHEMA1));Schema schemaGrammar = schemaFactory.newSchema(source);Validator schemaValidator = schemaGrammar.newValidator();schemaValidator.setErrorHandler(parserErrorHandler= new ParserErrorHandler());/** validate xml instance against the grammar. */File file = new File(pathFileXML);InputStream isS= new FileInputStream(file);Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(isS,"UTF-8");schemaValidator.validate(new StreamSource(reader));if(parserErrorHandler.getErrorHandler().isEmpty()&& parserErrorHandler.getFatalErrorHandler().isEmpty())if(!parserErrorHandler.getWarningHandler().isEmpty())"WARNING validate XML:[%s] Descripcion:[%s]",pathFileXML,parserErrorHandler.getWarningHandler()));"OK validate XML:[%s]",pathFileXML));elsethrow new BusinessException(String.format("Error validate XML:[%s], FatalError:[%s], Error:[%s]",pathFileXML,parserErrorHandler.getFatalErrorHandler(),parserErrorHandler.getErrorHandler()));catch(SAXParseException e)throw new BusinessException(String.format("Error validate XML:[%s], SAXParseException:[%s]",pathFileXML,e.getMessage()),e);catch (SAXException e)throw new BusinessException(String.format("Error validate XML:[%s], SAXException:[%s]",pathFileXML,e.getMessage()),e);catch (IOException e) throw new BusinessException(String.format("Error validate XML:[%s], IOException:[%s]",pathFileXML,e.getMessage()),e);

If the GPS receiver you have already outputs serial data at TTL levels (for example: if it is a device intended to be used in other projects, rather than a consumer-product that is supposed to connect to a laptop) then you can ignore all the above about converting levels. Just wire the data output directly into your Arduino.

Here is my cut-to-the-bones code that decodes a $GPRMC sentence and pulls time and date from it. Then it sends it to the serial port so you can monitor it. If you have a spare GPS receiver and Arduino knocking around, this could make a great foundation of a self-setting clock! 2ff7e9595c

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